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Prof.  Dr. Edward  Kasabov
Tallinn University of Technology,  Estonia

Title: The Entrepreneurial University: What is 21st Century Education About?


Recent developments in higher education in the developed West, and especially in the UK and USA, have been driven primarily by commercial, competition-focused and marketisation-aspiring values and goals. Among these prominent is the notion of the entrepreneurial university. The notion of the entrepreneurial university is defined, followed by the exploration of discourses relating to this notion, spanning both supportive and critical voices. The keynote speech will explore the extent to which the notion and practice reflect values, processes and outcomes of entrepreneurship. The discussion closes with an analysis of larger, philosophical concerns about 21st century education.


Prof. Edward Kasabov has extensive practitioner experience in Relationship Marketing, Data Analysis, and Mass Communications, including consultancy work for Welsh Government, Enterprise Ireland, Scottish Enterprise, and South West of England RDA, as well as collaborations with commercial businesses. His international reputation spans marketing, strategy, regional studies, economic policy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Prof. Kasabov’s critical examination of customer-provider relationships and service provision has produced a new, state-of-the-art theory of compliance with a focus on the strategic advantage of companies practising compliance. This complements the internationally acclaimed research on confusion marketing, entrepreneurial marketing, high-technology clusters, regional development, and entrepreneurship in rural or peripheral locations. He is regularly invited to academic and industry bodies globally. Prof. Kasabov has authored a number of books, has been invited to contribute to the most reputable encyclopaedias and edited volume in his four fields of study, and has published widely in leading journals across marketing, strategy, public policy, regional studies, entrepreneurship and innovation. His research has been consistently described as ‘brilliant’, ‘fascinating’, and ‘field-defining’ by the most preeminent marketing theorists and practitioners of our times. A number of successful applications for internal and external funding include a big ESRC/EPSRC grant, a recent project for €200,000 and a current collaborative project with EU colleagues worth €260,000. 

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